19 May 2009


I will be wearing my hair down for the wedding, since I spend so much time with it up. My hair falls in small curls, so I've been looking around for hairstyles that might work with my hair:

And I will be particularly concentrating on this one:

I had a meeting with a stylist, telling her my horrible problem with frizz (eek!), and this was the end result:

It's nice, but within 10 minutes it had frizzed up. I don't think she took me seriously when I said I had a frizz problem... I'm booking another appointment with a different stylist in the hope of getting it a little closer to the example (photos to follow).

This was the tiara I had bought, but I've since decided against using it. It was the only one I could find that used both pearls (which I'm using in my jewellery) and diamante (which is on my dress). I found it in Accessorize, and it was a snip at £8:

And these hair jewels (which I am still intending to add) will be put in my hair:

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