18 May 2009

About Us

We've been together now for almost 8 years. In fact, we're getting married on 4th July because that was the day we got together all those years ago. It means we can celebrate both anniversaries on the same day :)

Our relationship isn't perfect, but I doubt many are. We bicker and we irritate each other, but we also fit each other so well. People have said to me how we seem so solid. Other couples may argue and break up, but we always seem so happy. I quite like the fact that I've grown up with him in my life. In a way I've moulded myself against him, letting his character shape me into who I've become.

He's good for me, and I know it. I have diva tendencies, and he's quick to bring me back to the ground before I get too far ahead of myself. He's also very supportive, but not in a way that people really notice. He's quiet and reserved, but I know he wants to see me happy, and will do anything to help me get there. Of course there are things that I don't like; that he has difficulty listening when I ramble on, but he's just not the chatting type. Even after 7 years I can feel like I'm talking to a brick wall, but I don't care; I'll talk to myself some days!

I love him for who he was, for who he is and who he is yet to become. I know he will be a good husband, and an even better father. I can't wait to marry him and start the rest of our lives together.

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