18 May 2009

About The Wedding

You always hear about these women who have been dreaming about their wedding since they were a little girl, but that wasn't me. I never dreamt of my wedding, because I never thought I would be the marrying type. How things change!

Within a year we were talking about marriage, but at seventeen years old; I was still so young. When he proposed in 2004, we still knew the wedding would be a long time off - we both wanted to get some kind of career under our belts, and I was moving back to the UK after spending a year in Hubby's Homeland, and we wanted to make a commitment to stay together despite the distance, and engagement seemed the way to go.

When we finally started thinking about the wedding in 2008, we realised we had very similar ideas of what we wanted. I mean, I wanted to get married in somewhere like Loseley Park or Cain Manor, but we just couldn't afford it. So we settled for getting married at the register office and having a really simple reception. I wasn't prepared to compromise on the dress (but I was happy to rent) or the photography (but it turns out we got a good deal, for free!), but other than that; we were up for anything.

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