18 May 2009

Collecting My Dress

This is the day I collected my wedding dress. It's been a bit of a nightmare with sizing, since I bought it when I was at an all time high weight-wise. I assured them I was going to lose, but they have to order based on your current measurements, so they ordered me a size 18.

Four months later I'm a size 10/12, which means it's literally hanging off me - which is why I look like I'm struggling to keep it around my boobs in some of these photos! I've got another couple of months until my fitting, so I've been told to stop losing weight, otherwise they can't guarantee they will be able to take it in enough!

The dress is now being stored at my mum's house wrapped up in a duvet cover in a bid to stop the cat getting to it! I just want to wear it every day...


Lauren I. Ruiz said...

This would look beautiful with flowers in your hair. :)

Lara said...

I did actually consider having flowers in my hair, but now I'm down to hair jewels for a more understated look.