18 May 2009

Wedding Dress

I found my dress the first time I went dress shopping, and I found it at Pronuptia. We never intended to actually buy anything, but just to browse - I'd actually been considering RENTING my dress!

I've been trying to lose weight over the past year, without much success, so I thought if I could see myself in a few dresses, I could get the motivation to lose more. But speaking to the assistant in the boutique, we realised that we only have a six week window before the wedding rush begins in January.

Telling her my budget, I caught her look of uncertainty, but we managed to negotiate, and she pulled out a selection of dresses for me to try. She was very professional - I didn't even have to tell her my size or style; she just picked a few dresses that she knew would compliment my figure.

The first couple of dresses I tried on were okay, but nothing special. The fourth dress was amazing, and it was the one I chose. It's a style I've always loved, but never thought I could realistically have, so I was happy to find that it was in my price range. Well, my price range once I'd agreed to double my original budget!

I've heard of women trying on dozens of dresses and not finding "the one", so I hardly expected to find my dress the first time I looked, let alone within an hour of arriving there! They're happy for me to pay monthly for the dress, which is an additional weight off my mind. In May, the dress arrives into store and I begin meeting with the seamstress.

My dress is made by Sincerity, and it's called "Nepal", or style number 3331. It's a strapless A-line ivory satin gown with a sweetheart neck and a chapel train. You can find more details here. Looking it up on the internet, it doesn't really look like the dress I tried on, but perhaps my memory is different. The one pictured is white, and mine will be ivory. The one pictured also has the red trim, collar, straps and choker, which I won't be having.

I recently asked Hubby what sort of gown he thought I had got, and he found a photo on Google which was the spitting image of my dress. I guess he knows me better than I thought he did, even though he's always said he would love me to wear a completely red gown!

I maintain that the press photos look nothing like the dress itself, so here is a photo (that I took myself), of the material. The colour's a little darker than reality, but you get the picture.

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